Our business VoIP delivers innovative communications features so you can control costs, maintain business continuity and improve your customers’ experiences better than using traditional voice services.
We’ll also include with our VoIP services IP Trunking, IP Integrated Access, Virtual Communications Express and Business Connection services. You can combine your voice and data traffic and easily support unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) solutions.
VoIP allows you to take a standard analogue telephone signal and turn it into a digital signal that is transmitted over the Internet. By plugging any standard telephone into a special device called an Analogue Telephone Adapter (ATA) one can use an internet connection to make telephone calls.
Ka band satellite delivers a similar service to C band. Ka band solutions are able to mitigate adverse weather conditions and maintain a high level of reliability with its high throughput capability.
Ku band satellite delivers a similar service to C band with the exception of its built in resilience to harsh weather particularly rain and wind storms.